Friday, January 19, 2007

Pan Seared Tuna?

So, in my attempt to be something I am not (a gourmet chef) I am going to make pan seared tuna steaks tonight. I wish I could've been satisfied making chicken breasts or some sort of pasta dish, but I think I'm ready for the next step in my quest for culinary excellence. I've been pouring over websites (Food Network and Epicurious) as well as old issues of Cooking Light magazine and both of my copies of The Joy of Cooking. And, as usual, I'm driving myself crazy with all of the choices that I have.

I want to start off with golden potato-leek soup and cheddar toasts and then move onto the main course. The only problem is trying to figure out if any of the Asian inspired tuna recipes I've found will be complimented by the soup.

As of right now (and I say that because this menu has changed several times in my mind over the course of the last 12 hours), I'm planning on serving:

-Golden Potato-Leek Soup with Cheddar Toasts
-BLANK (Herb or sesame) crusted, pan seared tuna with
BLANK sauce or BLANK relish or BLANK salsa
-Wild Rice and Mushroom Pilaf

Knowing me, I'll back out and just make a staple, boring old pasta dish, as usual. Cooking on weekday nights is so much harder than when I've got the whole day to do it. Hopefully, I'll actually use my digital camera and take some photos of my culinary achievement (or defeat). Luckily, there's a frozen pizza in the freezer, just in case.....

1 comment:

Turk said...

so, what were the results?